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Which Type Of Exercise Is The Best For You?

performance Sep 27, 2017

Which type of exercise is the best for you?

Let me start by saying that I am supporter of all fitness and physical activity.  Admittedly, I tend to stick to the type of exercise I enjoy (and succeed at) and rarely step out of my comfort zone.  As more “genres” of fitness become popular, I find that I get more questions from patients about which is good and which is bad.  I’ve yet to find any bad kinds, it just depends on your preferences.
When choosing the best type of fitness for you it comes down to a few things:

  • What do you enjoy? Group classes or one on one? Fast-paced, self-paced?
  • What are your goals? Lose weight, gain strength, improve flexibility?
  • What is sustainable for you?  A few times per week or 5x/week?

​Over the past month, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try some new classes.  I am already familiar with weightlifting, CrossFit and yoga, but there are some that I have never experienced, such as barre, pilates and TRX.   I visited some local spots; I rated each of them for difficulty, ability to modify and what benefits the class will have for you.  These are unofficial scales and completely biased, but here’s what I experienced:

Pilates @ Stellar Bodies Buckhead

Walking into a room of these was a bit intimidating. These are called Reformers.  The platform is called the carriage.  Much of the class is moving the carriage while stabilizing part of your body.  For example, one leg remains still while the other pushes the carriage out and pulls it back in for a lunge.  My core and hips were burning within about 2 minutes of the class starting.  The high paced class and energetic music creates the beat for many of the movements.


When I needed modifications or more in-depth directions, the instructor was able to help me while still keeping the class moving.  It was a great workout and I was definitely humbled by some of the other pilates peeps.  Let me say, for 3 days I couldn’t cough or laugh without feeling my obliques!
Difficulty level 8/10    Ability to modify- Easy     Goal- core and leg strength, muscular endurance

TRX @ Pace23

These straps are the suspension system used for all TRX classes.  For nearly every movement, either your arms or your feet will be using the straps.  The instructor demonstrated the movements then we would go through a complex- something like single leg squat, jump squats and wall sits- for a song or a specific rep count.  My hips and legs were definitely feeling the work, but what I found as a welcomed surprise was the shoulder workout!  Even when exercising the lower half, you are to keep tension in the straps.  Similar to the picture, we went through a complex with rows, high rows and bicep curls.  There were plenty of options for modifications and the intensity can be increased or decreased with body position.
Difficulty level 7/10    Ability to modify- Easy     Goal- overall strength, muscular endurance


Barre class @ Pure Barre Decatur

This could be an inviting atmosphere for those with experience in dance.  Once we got into the thick of it, it felt somewhat like a club- girl power music and low level lighting. They promised a whole body workout when I arrived, and that it was!  You have a little ball, loop bands and light hand weights to use throughout the class. There are leg and shoulder specific sections but always with a core focus. Again, fast paced music that sets the count for the movements.  The instructors will demonstrate and come by to help you modify.  For your first couple of classes, you may have to pause and check out what your neighbor is doing!

They often use the cue to “tuck” your pelvis.  Recently it has been challenged by PTs regarding that position.  Here is my thought- rather than tucking past “midline”, they cue the tuck to ensure that you are not over-extending your low back (or sticking your booty out) which can happen as the core fatigues. What is not ideal, is tucking the pelvis and holding throughout the class.  I confirmed this with the coach—who is coincidentally a PT student!

Difficulty level 7/10    Ability to modify- Moderate     Goal- core strength, muscular endurance


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There was an obvious theme with these new-to-me fitness classes: abs on fire and holding hips in an engaged position.  This is definitely a contrast to my usual training of CrossFit and weightlifting where moving quickly and being explosive are the general themes.

CrossFit & HIIT Training

Known for being “for everyone,” CrossFit is easy to scale and can be applied to any population.  That being said, should everyone CrossFit?  I say no.  Is it what you enjoy?  Does it help you reach your goals?   Is it sustainable?  If any of these are a no, then look to other options.

If you are interested in CrossFit or high-intensity training there are many options as well.  Here is Atlanta there are loads of CrossFit gyms, Irontribe, kettlebell classes, powerlifting gyms, etc.

Here are some gyms in the area that offer these type of classes:

CrossFit Atlanta
Crossfit 404
Move Functional Fitness
SMUGs Fitness
Atlanta Barbell
Form Yoga- can’t forget the yoga!
These are a few gyms that we have had experience with and we suggest to our patients that inquire about the best fitness classes around town.  My suggestion is to go and try all different types.  Most of these gyms offer the first class or first week for free!  Take advantage and go get some fitness!

Thanks for reading,
    Dr. Jackie, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS​ β€‹

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 Remember, Movement is Medicine! 

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